
Are Our Existing Life Problems Linked With Our Past Lives?

Indian Astrology is closely related to the principles of Hindu Sanatana Dharma. Hindu astrology gives utmost importance to the karmic baggage that we bring from our past births Current birth blessings and sufferings are direct outcomes of our past birth deeds. According to Indian astrology principles, we are born because we have unfinished duties from our past lives. This can be closely related to words from Bhagawat Gita. Karma has a very important role play in our lives. We are what we do and whatever we go through is the result of our own karma. The proverb “What goes around comes around” phrase explains it all.. There are off course controversies for every theory and skeptics consider karma as illusionary. It is true that the principles of Vedic astrology are built around the concept of karma and its influences, ·        What aspects of our lives are influenced by karma? Almost every aspect of our lives is influenced by our own karmic diary. Positive actions lead to good karm